Press Releases

Republican Lawmakers Play Politics with Pensions Rather than Seeking Real Solutions

April 11, 2012

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Californians for Retirement Security

Republican Lawmakers Play Politics with Pensions Rather than Seeking Real Solutions

Following is a statement by Dave Low, Chairman of Californians for Retirement Security, on the politically motivated fist thumping by Republican lawmakers:

Pensionomics 2012: Defined Benefit Pensions Support $1 Trillion in U.S. Economic Activity

March 22, 2012

A new national economic impact study finds that DB pension benefits have a significant economic impact: 6.5 million American jobs and $1 trillion in economic output.

The analysis finds that the benefits provided by state and local government pension plans have a sizable impact that ripples through every state and industry across the nation.

According to the report, state and local pension plans in California supported 324,761 jobs that paid $17.4 billion in wages and salaries in 2009, as well as supporting $52.5 billion in total economic output the same year.

New Research: Pension Gutting Proposals will Unduly Harm Low-Wage Workers and cost Taxpayers More

February 2, 2012

For Immediate Release
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Californians for Retirement Security

New Research: Pension Gutting Proposals will Unduly Harm Low-Wage Workers and cost Taxpayers More

SACRAMENTO - New national and academic research reveals that the hybrid pension plans that Gov. Jerry Brown and Republicans want to force on California’s public employees would strap taxpayers with higher costs and place an unfair burden on the state’s lowest paid public employees.

Gov. Jerry Brown Details Unacceptable Assault on Current and Future Public Employees

February 2, 2012

For Immediate Release
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Californians for Retirement Security

Gov. Jerry Brown Details Unacceptable Assault on Current and Future Public Employees

A statement from Californians for Retirement Security, a coalition representing more than 1.5 million public employees and retirees, regarding the details from the governor’s pension proposals:

Public Employees’ Statement on Pension Measure Titles and Summaries

January 10, 2012

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Californians for Retirement Security
Public Employees’ Statement on Pension Measure Titles and Summaries

Dave Low, Chairman of Californians for Retirement Security, on the newly released title and summaries of two pension-gutting ballot measures:

LAO: GOP Pension-Slashing Measures Would Mean "Large Uncertainty" and $1 Billion a Year in New Costs for at Least 30 Years

December 27, 2011

SACRAMENTO -- The Legislative Analyst’s Office has found that ballot measures being sponsored by leading state Republicans would bring "large uncertainty" to the state's pension systems, cost governments $1 billion more per year for the next 30 years, and likely would force state and local governments to pay more to compensate teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public employees.